Patent Counsel Group Presentations

Members of the Patent Counsel Group actively present lectures of patent topics to bar associations, inventors’ groups, and government agencies.  A sampling of presentations is listed here showing the wide range of expertise in the intellectual property arena.

New York Bar, New York City Bar Association, 2014-2023
Government and Military Contracts and protecting a client’s interest in proprietary software while fulfilling requirement of disclosure under the technical data and software requirements of government contracts.

New York Bar, New York City Bar Association, 2014-2023
CLE Patent Committee Roundtable, Supreme Court Cases 2014
CLE Patent Committee Roundtable, Legislation at USPTO post Supreme Ct Cases
CLE Patents 101, Legislative and Regulatory Changes at USPTO 2016

New York Bar, New York County Lawyers Association, 2007 -2023,
Faculty Member, Courses include Inter Partes Patent Practice; Revised Rules of Practice before USPTO Board of Appeals and Technical Data Rights in Government Contracts and Disputes

American Intellectual Property Law Association, Section on 25 U.S.C. 101,
2011 Meeting, Speaker on Prometheus Lab. v. Mayo Collaborative Services -- Patentability Issues in view of Bilski v. Kappos

Australian Defense Department, Canberra Australia, 2009 to 2010,
Guest Speaker, Technical Cooperation Program Cooperative Defense Agreement between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States

U.S. Navy Office of General Counsel, Annual Technical Data Rights Training and Licensing in Government Contracts, U.S. Navy, 2011 Avionics Efficiency Conference, San Diego, CA